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The only PAC dedicated to putting phenomenal
women at the helm of local and state government.

Founded in 2017, Fund Her has supported 83 winning campaigns in 7 states across the country.
Over 70% of our winning candidates are either women of color or identify as LGBTQ+.
Our candidates advocate for women, people of color, low-income and marginalized communities in their struggle for justice.

If women lead our states, we can lead the nation.
And if we can lead the nation, we can lead the world.

Our cornerstone values



Equality goes beyond equal pay. Our endorsees are champions for women’s rights and equal opportunity for all women everywhere, from the classroom to the boardroom, including the right to a workplace that is free from harassment and discrimination.



We're seeing an unprecedented surge in attacks on women's rights, including the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade and coordinated state efforts to limit abortion access. We support candidates who will legislate in favor of women’s agency over their own bodies and will protect women's access to healthcare necessities, including family planning services.



We support candidates who will work to elevate the voices of California’s marginalized communities and bring issues of social justice to the forefront of policy discussion. This includes addressing criminal justice reform, equal opportunity in our education system, and uplifting women of color in our communities and in our capitol.



We are committed to tackling climate change. Environmental factors impact our daily lives in incalculable ways, from increasingly extreme natural disasters to the public health impacts of pollution to the devastating consequences of rising sea levels. We support candidates that will fight for bold solutions, including environmental protections and clean technology.

Fund Her is the only political action committee dedicated to putting progressive women at the helm of our state governments, with the goal of flipping state legislatures by electing progressive women and reaching gender parity in California's State Legislature by 2028.



In each election cycle, we focus on the highest-leverage opportunities for progressive women to lead in state government. California, as the most populous state and largest state economy is always included, plus states that progressive women can help flip from red to blue.


which states

Fund Her evaluates candidates based on their viability and demonstrated leadership on four cornerstone values. We put a particular emphasis on women of color and first-time candidates.


which candidates

Studies show that women lack access to traditional funding sources and raise less money than men do. But when women are elected, they pass twice as many laws as men do. Data also shows that women tend to legislate more than men on critical issues facing society today like poverty, education, and healthcare.


WHY fund progressive women

1. States wield incredible power: they draw the boundaries for both state and Congressional districts, and legislate on issues central to our four cornerstones - from equal pay to reproductive freedom, climate change, and voting rights.

2. We are playing the long game—building a strong bench of progressive women leaders will pay great dividends at the national level. We are looking beyond the election of our first woman president, beyond even the election of several women presidents, to a future where America is led equally by women and men. 


WHY states

No state legislature wields the national and global influence that California does as the world’s fifth-largest economy and the most populous state in the union (California represents ~12% of the total population of the United States). CA has the opportunity to be a model for what can be achieved when we are led by women and men in equal numbers.


WHy california

Democrats needed only four seats for a majority in the Virginia legislature, and we knew progressive women could deliver in Virginia—11 seats flipped in 2017. A Democratically-controlled legislature will get to redraw poorly-gerrymandered districts, an opportunity that won't come again until 2030. At the very beginning of the new legislative session, Virginia cast the 38th and final vote to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, and our newly-elected women have been working to change laws that limit reproductive choice and legislate on gun safety and climate—all efforts that Virginia Republicans have thwarted.


why virginia

Empty Stage

our path to gender parity

Within one year of Fund Her's launch in 2017, California saw its largest ever single-year gain for women's representation. On the heels of this success, we grew to include 4 additional states and have continued to expand our efforts to fight for more seats across more states.

See what we've achieved in just four years, and what's ahead for Fund Her >>




California can reach gender parity in its legislature that much sooner because women now have an ally against Independent Expenditure attacks: Fund Her.

Whether it's fair pay, climate change, affordable housing, or higher education - we see time and time again, women leading the charge on progressive issues.

Tim Molina
Organizing Director, Courage Campaign


Mary Hughes
Founder, Close the Gap CA

I am thrilled to see California add to its arsenal with the birth of Fund Her. Now, women running for the state legislature in California are going to be able to access the resources they need to be competitive and win!


Andrea Dew Steele
Former President of Emerge America


Nothing will do more to change the culture that suppresses women in leadership than electing more women to lead! Thank you Fund Her for helping elect more women to the California State Legislature!

Eleni Kounalakis
Lt. Governor, California

I’ve seen the tenacity, creativity, and bold leadership that women legislators bring to Sacramento. Fund Her is the missing piece that will help elect more women and allow California to continue to lead the nation.

Gavin Newsom
Governor, California


Fund Her

555 Capitol Mall, Suite 400

Sacramento, CA 95814

FPPC ID #1398107

© 2017 by Fund Her SM

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Ad paid for by Fund Her PAC. Ad Committee’s Top Funder: Women in Power (WIP PAC). Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate.
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